
my mission in life is not to merely survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some Passion, some Compassion, some Humor, and some Style ~ Maya Angelou

I never knew Maya Angelou, but she was like a mother, grandmother, and spiritual guide to me. My hot air balloon tattoo has three bird shadows on it. One for my mother, one for my grandmother, and one for Maya.

In my first post, I mentioned the angel on my shoulder who kept pushing me forward – I actually had three. My mother was in heaven, my grandmother on earth, and I listened to Maya like she was speaking directly to me. They have all passed now but their words will be forever in my heart.

A few years ago, I was introduced to Twitter, but I was so green and had to learn the basics. I read several books published by my favorite pirate, Dave Burgess. But somehow I let my groove turn into a rut.

This time around, I have five years under my belt. I’m  confident in my ability to teach math and I’m determined to be the teacher I have always wanted to be. Surviving is good, but I want to Thrive; and do so with passion, compassion, humor, and style…


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