You Might be More Innovative Than You Think


If we create a culture where every teacher believes they need to improve, not because they are not good enough but because they can be even better, there is No Limit to what we can achieve. ~ Dylan William (quoted on p 206, Innovators Mindset)

How powerful is that quote? I’ve always wanted to be a better teacher, but I always focused on my own weaknesses and compared myself to teachers with decades more experience than I had. I have never experienced the feeling of being good enough – especially as a teacher.

In the last twitter chat for IMMOOC season 2, participants were asked what we do that is innovative. I immediately wrote about a future event and started reading other teacher comments. One person posted that After reading other’s posts she realized she was innovative. It hit me like a brick! We teachers really don’t give ourselves credit for the great things we are doing. I was reminded of the Oprah interview of Brene Brown and her quote:

“When perfectionism is driving, shame is riding shotgun…”

Shame is a life-long frienemy of mine and it will be hard to shake her loose, but it is time we part ways.

I am choosing to celebrate my innovations and successes despite my shame and fear.

1. I live in the Boonies (#internetsuckshere). I must chose whether to come home and do my twitter chats from my phone or stay at school and have access to tweet deck adding hours to my day. Sometimes I come home and I rock it anyway – even if my tweets are not perfect. Heck I have to blog from home on my phone data because the school computers have blocked  Wordpress…

2. Technology is not the only tool for innovation. When my school adopted the Singapore MIF curriculum, I didn’t fight it once. I went to every training opportunity and went back for a masters in Curriculum with a focus on Mathematics. I begged (literally) until my principal finally gave in and sent me to a conference to see the Singapore Math Guru himself, Yeap Ban Har!


Ban Har

3. I’m a pretty darn good teacher. My team and I don’t quit until we get things done for our kids. Even if it means 2 years of trying to get a mentoring program for our boys, or calling a Zumba instructor in to teach us a better Bring it in routine, or spending hours covering windows and walls to create the perfect environment for a flashlight review.

Take the time to see your greatness! Tell shame and fear to get out of the car. We are all more innovative than we give ourselves credit for. 


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